
I had a good week getting back into the swing of things. I fixed some important bugs and improved some UI.


All the downloader pages--gallery, watcher, urls, and simple--have a revamped status system. All the text that shows how file or gallery downloads are going is now generated in a better way, with more error states (e.g. it will tell you when your gallery stopped because it hit the file limit, or when one of the emergency pause states under the network menu has kicked in), and logic in edge cases is improved. Everything is unified now, so the texts are the same across all pages. Also, if a gallery query or watched thread is 'pending', its text now reports that it is waiting for a work slot, rather than staying blank. There _shouldn't_ be any situations now where a downloader is unpaused with work to do but has blank status.

If you use the multiple local file services system, the archive/delete filter now presents more options when you are done. If the files are in more than one local file service, you can choose where you delete them from, including all applicable. This was confusing and opaque before, so I hope this makes it more clear what is happening and gives you more choice.

I _believe_ I have fixed an important bug some users were having with PTR processing. There was an annoying issue about a 'definitions' file being seen as a 'content' file, or vice versa, that the automatic maintenance could not fix. I finally managed to reproduce the issue and fixed it. I schedule a fix in the update this week, so if you have been hit by this, please wait for one more round of file maintenance 'metadata' scans, and then unpause the PTR one more time. Essentially, I think I fixed the automatic maintenance. Let me know how you get on!

full list

- downloader pages:
- greatly improved the status reporting for downloader pages. the way the little text updates on your file and gallery progress are generated and presented is overhauled, and tests are unified across the different downloader pages. you now get specific texts on all possible reasons the queue cannot currently process, such as the emergency pause states under the _network_ menu or specific info like hitting the file limit, and all the code involved here is much cleaner
- the 'working/pending' status, when you have a whole bunch of galleries or watchers wanting to run at the same time, is now calculated more reliably, and the UI will report 'waiting for a work slot' on pending jobs. no more blank pending!
- when you pause mid-job, the 'pausing - status' text is generated is a little neater too
- with luck, we'll also have fewer examples of 64KB of 503 error html spamming the UI
- any critical unhandled errors during importing proper now stop that queue until a client restart and make an appropriate status text and popup (in some situations, they previously could spam every thirty seconds)
- the simple downloader and urls downloader now support the 'delay work until later' error system. actual UI for status reporting on these downloaders remains limited, however
- a bunch of misc downloader page cleanup