Qt5 zip:
Qt6 zip:
Qt5 exe:
Qt5 app:
Qt6 app:
Qt5 tar.gz:
Qt6 tar.gz:

I had a great week with two big changes. First, there is an optional 'Qt6' version of the program for advanced users to try out, and second, File Import Options has some important updates.

Qt5 and Qt6

If you are a regular user, stick with the Qt5 versions of the release this week. It is the same as before.

Hydrus is moving up to a new version of its UI library, Qt. The new version has a ton of bug fixes and generally better support for newer OS concepts like UI scaling. I am going to be putting out releases for both 5 and 6 for a month or two, testing it with advanced and then normal users, and then will switch to 6 exclusively. Everything seems to be going well, and you don't have to do anything.

If you are an advanced user though, please try out the Qt6 builds. They work exactly the same as the old ones. Just to be careful, I recommend you not try them on your real database first off, and doubly so if you do not have a great backup. I am not worried about database damage, but you never know, and if there are problems, I don't want to give you inconvenience on your main install. Try a fresh extract on your desktop first to make sure it boots ok, and then delete that extract. Then, if you want to try it on your real database, try doing a 'clean install' as here:

If you don't do a clean install, you'll still have Qt5 dlls in your install folder and the client will default to the older version (for now). If you are a macOS user, you don't have the concept of 'clean install', so just run the App as normal, but make sure you have a backup of your database first. There's also no Windows Qt6 installer yet. You can check help->about to see what version of Qt is currently running.

So far, the update has been remarkably smooth for me, with very few bugs. A user has been watching the situation for me and kindly provided a patch to deal with the most important syntax changes, so moving over has not been a massive pain in the neck. I've been using it IRL for a few days now and I think things are just that bit smoother and less flickery.

I am particularly interested in Linux and macOS users' feedback. So far, the main limitation I know about is that Windows 7 can't run Qt6 (it is just too old), but there may be other issues in other platforms. Let me know, and we'll see if we can iron them out.

I am going to keep hydrus Qt5 compatible, so anyone who needs to stay on it but wants to keep updating will have the option of running from source.