Qt5 zip:
Qt6 zip:
Qt5 exe:
Qt5 app:
Qt6 app:
Qt5 tar.gz:
Qt6 tar.gz:

I had a great week working on more Qt6 support and getting Note Import Options ready for advanced users to try out.


The Qt6 launch last week went generally well. There were a couple of little typo bugs as expected, but most users reported nothing drastic.

I have fixed several issues and also improved graphical quality at >100% UI scale. Qt6 handles UI scale tech much better, but that also exposed all the better where my custom UI was failing. Thumbnails at 125% were looking pretty ugly, with nearest-neighbour scaling, so I knuckled down and did my homework on how all this is supposed to work, and I think I have it fixed. Thumbnails should look ok at any UI scale in Qt6, and their banner text too. My fixes apply to Qt5 too, but as far as I can tell that only really works comprehensively for 100%/200% scale. I will try to tackle the media viewer next week.

If you are an experienced user with a backup, please feel free to try Qt6 out on your real install. If both Qt5 and Qt6 are available, the client will now default to Qt6, so you shouldn't need to do a 'clean install' like last week. My test of this went fine, but if there is some odd dll conflict when you try to boot, check here on how to clear things out and either revert to Qt5-only or try Qt6-only:

Any reports on failures here would be useful so I can write in any needed 'delete these old files' rules to the Qt6 Win installer.

As a reminder, afaik Windows 7 cannot run Qt6, so don't try it out if that's you. I will switch over to Qt6 exclusively in a few weeks, at which point I'll update the help and talk more about your future options, which will be: stop updating the client; move to a newer OS; run in Win7/Qt5 from source.

Note Import Options

Unfortunately I couldn't fit all this in again, but I've done work I'm happy with and have parts of it ready for advanced users to play with. Fingers crossed, the first simple version of this will be completely integrated next week.

The File Import Options update last week went ok. I messed something up with the Presentation Options, so highlighting a gallery or watcher with a default FIO was always showing the same thing (new or all files) instead of what the default actually said. This is fixed.

I have pushed FIO and TIO further together this week. File Import Options and Tag Import Options are now merged into one button and one dialog across the program. The dialog is tabbed, so you edit both sets of options at the same time, and in future, any new Import Options will work through the same interface.