Qt5 zip:
Qt6 zip:
Qt6 exe:
Qt5 app:
Qt6 app:
Qt5 tar.gz:
Qt6 tar.gz:

I had a good week working on a variety of different things.

The Windows Installer is now Qt6. You do not have to do anything special to update, just do your normal routine. If you are a Windows 7 user, it is very likely you will not be able to run it. You can use the Qt5 extract release for another week or two, but please plan to either stop updating hydrus, move to a newer OS, or consider running hydrus from source.


I bulked out the 'star' rating shape. The pentagram was a little thin, so I've fattened it back up while still keeping the coordinates good. If you liked the thinner star, you can now set it explicitly as a new shape choice under services->manage services.

Manage tag siblings/parents now has a proper delete button, which should make removing many rows at once easy.

I did some more note parsing work this week, and I updated the Hentai Foundry downloader to grab artist description notes. If you download from HF, you should see new files get notes. I would like to slowly update most of the client default downloaders with note parsing support, so let me know where all this succeeds and fails, and I'll adapt things as we go.

Since we are doing more note work, I also improved the size calculations for the media viewer's note hover window. It still isn't perfect in all cases, but it'll clip the last line of text less often.

New clients now start with ctrl+page up/down as 'move page selection left/right'.

multi-line parsing

This is only for advanced users who make downloaders.

The parsing system now has basic multi-line support. Any formula on a 'notes' content parser or the formulae that do subsidiary page parser 'splitting' will now no longer remove newlines when it grabs text. It makes it possible to parse a multi-paragraph artist comment and have it all end up nicely formatted in the file note you end up with.

I have hardcoded in some additional formatting rules, too. When you select 'string' as the parsing result from a nested tree of html tags, I now insert newlines on 'p' or 'br' tags. I also strip leading and trailing whitespace from every line of a note, and I only allow two consecutive newlines to clip very large paragraph breaks.

The main remaining frustration is the string processing UI has mixed multi-line parsing support in its testing UI. Some of it shows and converts well, but most of it collapses multi-line test content down to a single line.

I have updated the Hentai Foundry parser this week to grab notes. It is ultimately pretty simple, if you want to check it out as an example. I'd like to know what is most frustrating about this. I would like to chip away at the string processing test UI (and any rules that simply do not work well on multi-line content) in future.