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I had a good week. I got started on some long-delayed serverside janitor improvements, and I got so stuck it in was all I worked on! This release has nothing important for regular users, so if you are not involved in running a hydrus server, you can skip it entirely!

server stuff

Only for server admins and janitors!

Improving the janitor workflow is now my 'big job' for the rest of the year. This is the first step of what I'd like to fit in to spare days over the coming weeks and months.

This week I update the repositories so they cache counts of their various metadata. They can now quickly say 'I have 2,124,543 mappings' and so on. If you have a large server, it will take a few minutes to update as it counts everything up for the first time.

Once you are booted, make sure you are in help->advanced mode, and on review services you will have a new 'service info' button. Click it and you can see all the numbers, including the current lengths of the petition queues. Anyone with an account can see these for now. If you want more privacy, I can figure something out, but tbh I think it is probably good for users to be able to see everything here.

The numbers in the petition processing page are fed by this too. No longer will it manually count up and max out at 1,000 petitions--it will deliver the actual number real fast.

Also, a sibling petition can now have both ADD and DELETE rows. This happens if the same account gives the same reason (like 'replacing a->b with a->c') to a sibling petition and a sibling pend. You now see those together, with that shared reason, and action it as one item.

I suspect we'll need some more UI clientside to encourage using the same reason, but for now I have updated manage tag siblings to give the same 'reason' when you replace an existing sibling. Previously, this is where it would give a 'AUTO-CONFLICT...' style reason. Now, those things should be bundled into the same thing you see.

This stuff changes some of the hydrus network protocol. Normally, I would update the network version number, but that requires everyone to update. Since this only affects advanced users, and I expect I'll be doing more in coming weeks, I am not updating the version number. An old client will run into errors if it tries to pull petitions from a new server, but I think a new client will be able to work with an old server. In any case, if you are a server admin or janitor, please update your clients and servers at roughly the same time this week, or you'll get some harmless but annoying parse/404 errors.

As a side thing, as a server admin, if the service info numbers ever get borked, please hit 'regen service info' in your 'administrate services' menu. I've added extensive testing this week to ensure the update routines are mostly good, but I'm sure there are some complicated situations where the counting logic is dodgy. Let me know how you get on with it!