Qt5 zip:
Qt6 zip:
Qt6 exe:
Qt5 app:
Qt6 app:
Qt5 tar.gz:
Qt6 tar.gz:

I had a great week catching up on bug reports.


The changelog is quite long this week. It is mostly smaller bug fixes that aren't interesting to read. Some users have reported crashes in Qt6, and I got one crash IRL myself, which is very rare for me. I am not totally sure what has been causing these, but I fixed some suspects this week, so let me know if things are better.

I am also updating mpv for Windows users this week. It is a big jump, about a year's worth of updates, and I feel like it is a little smoother. It is also more stable and supports weirder files.

And thanks to a user's work, there is an expansion to the twitter downloader. You can now download a twitter user's likes, and from twitter lists, and--if you can find any--twitter collections.

If you are a big 'duplicates' user, there is a subtle change in the potential duplicates search this week. Check the changelog for full details, but I think I've fixed the 'I set "must be pixel dupes" but I saw a pair that wasn't' issue.

full list

- mpv:
- updated the mpv version for Windows. this is more complicated than it sounds and has been fraught with difficulty at times, so I do not try it often, but the situation seems to be much better now. today we are updating about twelve months. I may be imagining it, but things seem a bit smoother. a variety of weird file support should be better--an old transparent apng that I know crashed older mpv no longer causes a crash--and there's some acceleration now for very new CPU chipsets. I've also insisted on precise seeking (rather than keyframe seeking, which some users may have defaulted to). mpv-1.dll is now mpv-2.dll
- I don't have an easy Linux testbed any more, so I would be interested in a Linux 'running from source' user trying out a similar update and letting me know how it goes. try getting the latest libmpv1 and then update python-mpv to 1.0.1 on pip. your 'mpv api version' in _help->about_ should now be 2.0. this new python-mpv seems to have several compatibility improvements, which is what has plagued us before here
- mpv on macOS is still a frustrating question mark, but if this works on Linux, it may open another door. who knows, maybe the new version doesn't crash instantly on load