- bunch of fixes:
- fixed a weird and possible crash-inducing scrolling bug in the tag list some users had in Qt6
- fixed a typo error in file lookup scripts from when I added multi-line support to the parsing system (issue #1221)
- fixed some bad labels in 'speed and memory' that talked about 'MB' when the widget allowed setting different units. also, I updated the 'video buffer' option on that page to a full 'bytes value' widget too (issue #1223)
- the 'bytes value' widget, where you can set '100 MB' and similar, now gives the 'unit' dropdown a little more minimum width. it was getting a little thin on some styles and not showing the full text in the dropdown menu (issue #1222)
- fixed a bug in similar-shape-search-tree-rebalancing maintenance in the rare case that the queue of branches in need of regeneration become out of sync with the main tree (issue #1219)
- fixed a bug in archive/delete filter where clicks that were making actions would start borked drag-and-drop panning states if you dragged before releasing the click. it would cause warped media movement if you then clicked on hover window greyspace
- fixed the 'this was a cloudflare problem' scanner for the new 1.2.64 version of cloudscraper
- updated the popupmanager's positioning update code to use a nicer event filter and gave its position calculation code a quick pass. it might fix some popup toaster position bugs, not sure
- fixed a weird menu creation bug involving a QStandardItem appearing in the menu actions
- fixed a similar weird QStandardItem bug in the media viewer canvas code
- fixed an error that could appear on force-emptied pages that receive sort signals

next week

We are due a cleanup week, and I think I need one. Just some simple background work for a bit so I can rest, and I'll fit in some other small work like this week. As usual, I don't have anything exciting planned for the anniversary of v500. I was thinking about making that the week for the exclusive switch to Qt6, but with some users still getting crashes, I am less keen.

Thanks everyone!