Sorry for the trouble with the new release. Some users are getting several crashes, and I think the new mpv is the culprit. Since you are on Windows 7, I suspect the new mpv is incompatible with it in the same way things like Qt6 are too. Can you try going in to your install directory and deleting the 'mpv-2.dll' file? You should still have mpv-1.dll from a previous install, and that should work on its own.

If that still gives you trouble, can you try using the client as normal but avoid:

A) mpv (so don't load up any movies into the preview or media viewer)
B) the duplicate filter (I have some reports this is giving trouble too)

If the program does not crash until one of these is loaded, that is good evidence that it is mpv after all. Please avoid them for now, or if you have a backup, roll back to v498, and I will work on these problems and see if I can fix some things for v500.

If you go to "install_dir/db/client (date).log", you might like to scroll down to the bottom of the one for September. Are there any meaty-looking errors in there? They might be called 'traceback'. Most crashes do not leave any log information (they break too quick), but if there are some lead-up errors in there, that would also be useful to know.

Thanks. Yeah, I am going to be careful and not try to do three things at once. I'm actually feeling better emotionally than I thought I would. It sucks, a lot, but everyone has been wonderful and neighbours and so on are stepping up to help out. Of all the ways my Dad could go, he didn't want it drawn out, so there are more than a few silver linings here. A lot of people have to see their parents waste away from cancer over years, or to Alzheimers, so we've been saved that. I expect I will start missing him more in a few months, when his absence has a proper shape to it, but a friend of mine wisely said not to make any big decisions, so I am keeping my head down and pushing on with practical help for the situation. The good news is the most urgent funeral preparation was finished last night, so now everything is lined up. Getting everything sorted needed focus and energy, but now we just have to do picking family up from airports and stuff, and the actual day.

Since most hydrus users are going to be on the young side, and most will not have lost their parents yet, the advice I am going to give from now on is:

- Talk to your parents about what they would want in a funeral
- Make sure you have a will

Having both questions sorted ahead of time has been deeply useful during this.