
Thanks for the detailed reply. I'll make sure to check out Hydrus Companion and whether it works with Tor. Yes, generally I'd also just move on to a more available source, but for some things that's difficult.

I'm glad to hear that updating is that simple and the db is cleanly divided from the actual program. I set out updates since I messed up once and read about the big update situation. But I'll try that again, one version at a time to be sure and see how it goes.


True. It helps a lot to have things worked out and off your mind. I can only recommend to take some dedicated time to face the emotional trouble inside you and go through with it, no distraction or pushing it away. You'll cry like a bitch, but you will feel a lot better afterwards. Unresolved trauma will eat you up from the inside. It's like getting a tooth pulled at the dentist, painful but so much relief. Don't worry, you're built to endure that stuff.