> Sorry for the trouble with the new release. Some users are getting several crashes, and I think the new mpv is the culprit. Since you are on Windows 7, I suspect the new mpv is incompatible with it in the same way things like Qt6 are too. Can you try going in to your install directory and deleting the 'mpv-2.dll' file? You should still have mpv-1.dll from a previous install, and that should work on its own.

Ok I removed the mpv-2.dll and it was indeed causing the problem of not being able to play animated files(gifs, webms, mp4, etc.). They play normally now and I don't get the "MPV is not available" errors anymore. 

As for the crashes I can't remember what tags I used to cause them now lol however, I feel like it was more related to mpv-2 but I'll continue to be on the lookout. The crash reports doesn't really tell you much. Just normal boots and exists and doesn't even mention it crashed other than after booting Hydrus and saying
> "Found and deleted the durable temporary database on boot. The last exit was probably not clean."

And I don't see any "traceback" either in the logs nor in the db folder.