- tag subtags and namespace wildcards:
- searching for 'samus aran' no longer delivers files that have 'character:samus aran'. the subtag->namespace logic no longer applies. this was a fun idea from the very start of the program, but it was never all that useful as default behaviour and added several headaches, now eliminated. if you wish to perform this search going forward, please enter '*:samus aran', which is now an acceptable wildcard input
- tag lookup is unaffected. typing 'samus aran' will still provide 'character:samus aran' as a tag to choose from
- a heap of rinky-dink counting logic went along with this, such as providing tag search results like ('character:samus aran (100)', 'samus aran (100-105)'), where it tried to predict how many results would come with the unnamespaced search. this no longer exists, and a decent bit of CPU is now saved in any large tag search
- wildcard searching works on similar rules now, so if you enter 'sa*s ar', you will see 'character:samus aran' as a result in the tag list, but searching for it will not give results with 'character:samus aran'. again, enter '*:sa*s ar*' to search for all namespaces (which is now provided as a quick suggestion any time you enter an unnamespaced wildcard), or enter 'character:sa*s ar*' explicitly
- 'system:tag as number' also now follows similar rules, so if you leave the namespace field blank, it will search unnamespaced numbers. it now supports namespace wildcards, so you can enter '*' to get the old behaviour. the placeholder text on the namespace input now states this
- 'system:number of tags' now uses the same UI as 'system:tag as number', where you enter '*' as the namespace to mean all namespaces, rather than checking a box
- .
- misc:
- all tag, namespace, and wildcard search predicates are now properly editable from the active search box. shift+double-click or select from the right-click menu, and you now get a simple text input alongside any system predicate panels. previously, this would only offer you a button to invert the tag to -tag and _vice versa_. now, you can add or remove the '-' and '*' characters yourself info to freely convert between tags, namespace:anything, and wildcard search predicates (issue #1235)
- thanks to a user, you can now add '{#}' to an export filename pattern to get the '#' column in your filename (useful if you want to export files in the order they are currently in on the page)
- furthermore, if you delete items from the manual file export window, the '#' column now recalculates itself to stay contiguous and in order (previously, it left gaps)
- fixed a bug when deleting siblings on a local tags service. sorry for the trouble!
- on manage siblings, when you remove, add, or replace a pair on a local tags service, you will now get a simple 'note' reason informing you more on what is going on. the 'REPLACEMENT:' thing recently added to tag repositories should now work for you too
- when a downloader or similar adds files to a page, and you have at least one existing file selected, the status bar now updates correctly