next week

I was not able to get to many things I wanted to this week. Things have piled up, so I'm just a bit buried right now. I will just continue working on urgent issues and smaller issues and see how we are on the crashing.

I'm stressed about my Dad, more than anything because there has just been a ton of energy-draining stuff to do, but not as upset as I thought. As I said before, we had a great relationship, so there are no huge regrets. I'm sure it will kick in more in a couple months. Since the hydrus userbase trends young and my Dad died a bit early, I don't expect many of you have organised a funeral. My serious advice is A) talk to your parents now about what they want in a funeral, and B) make sure they have a will. We were good on both fronts, and it has made the whole thing so much easier. Almost all children bury their parents, so get it done now, while it is easy.

As for hydrus, getting out 500 versions is pretty cool. I've been at this for ten years, and the codebase is now 10 MB over almost 300 files. I still enjoy working on it, and I want to keep at it as long as there is interesting stuff to do. The hydrus userbase has grown significantly this year, and my todo list is overflowing more than ever, so running short on work is not a worry. Handling stress and burnout has been tricky at times, but assuming I stay healthy on that front, I can comfortably see 750 in the distance. Let's see what machine learning does to us all over the next five years.

Thanks everyone!