Qt5 zip:
Qt6 zip:
Qt6 exe:
macOS (updated links, first version had boot trouble)
Qt5 app:
Qt6 app:
Qt5 tar.gz:
Qt6 tar.gz:

I had a good week fixing bugs and improving UI quality of life.


First off, the tag autocomplete dropdown has some important behind the scenes changes. The way it is stored and drawn is better, the same updates the popup toaster and media viewer hover windows have had recently. In general, it means a lot less flicker and jank. If you have set autocompletes to embed in normal search pages because of bugs, try letting them float under options->search this week!

Unfortunately, as a consequence of this change, I am disabling autocompletes floating in dialogs. Outside of normal search pages, they now always embed. There are hard technical reasons for this, and design ones too--I never liked how they overlapped apply/cancel--so if you were floating before and liked it, please bear with it for now and let me know if and where it is most inconvenient.

I put some work into the system:time edit predicate dialog. Rather than the confusing '<' and '~=' radiobox, it now says proper english 'since' and 'before' and so on. Some of the calculations behind this are also improved.

'sort files by import time' now works between files that were imported in the same second. If you had a some small-image manga you wanted to sort by import time because it lacked page tags, this now works properly.

I fixed some stupid mistakes that broke a part of the Client API (and Hydrus Web) in v501. Sorry for the trouble!