
I had a great week fixing some bugs, adding hash lookup to the Client API, and finally attaching a Tag Filter to the PTR.

Full changelog:

tag filter

For normal users: the PTR will start filtering out some bad tags automatically, you don't have to do anything.

The big job I wanted to do this week, adding a Tag Filter to the PTR (and other tag repositories), went a lot better than I expected. I split the work into four pieces and got the first one done. If you are a tag repository administrator, you can now edit a Tag Filter for your repo under the services->administrate services->tag repo->edit tag filter menu. Your tag repo will silently discard any tag mapping uploads that do not pass the filter. So, if you don't want 'tagme' or 'source:some-borked-url' tags, you can now filter them at the point of upload and no one has to create or process any petitions in future.

Regular users will sync to the set filter and can see it under services->review services. Users in advanced mode will also get popups on specific rule changes. The next step here will be to expose this filter more, showing it in manage tags and similar UI, not even trying to pend tags that don't match the filter, and retroactively fixing mappings that already exist on the server (including hard-replacing since-sibling'd tags). I'd like to get at least some of this done before the end of the year, but I'm sure some will spill into 2023.

other highlights

There is a new 'file relationships: show x' action in the 'media' shortcut set, which will show a file's potential dupes, actual dupes, alternates, or false positives in a new page, just like the 'show x' actions that are buried in the thumbnail menu. This works in the media viewer too.

I fixed a recent stupid bug in the duplicate filter that meant if you did a batch of work with only file deletes, they were not going through. Sorry for the trouble! The thing now calculates and reports duplicate decisions and manual file deletes separately. I also added a (+50%, -33%) label to the file size comparison statement, just as a test. The numbers are correct, but I'm not sure I like it--let me know what you think.

If you work with the downloader system, URL Classes get two new checkboxes this week, 'do not allow any extra path components/parameters', which stop matching URLs that have too-long paths or parameters. It should help fix up some situations where hydrus was having trouble figuring out which URL Class to match sets of nested URLs to, particularly when the Gallery URL is 'longer' than the Post URL.

With the new /get_files/file_hashes call, the Client API can now do lookups between sha256, md5, sha1, and sha512 hashes. If you provide some hashes in one of these types, the API can now give you known matches for any of the other types. Let's say you have a bunch of sha1 hashes and want to see if you have them imported, or you have a bunch of sha256 hashes for files you have and want to get their known md5s for an external site lookup, this is now possible. The client typically knows all four hashes for every file it has ever imported, so you can do your own 'already deleted' checks too.

next week

More like this. Some small work and some more janitor/serverside stuff. Only three more releases this year, so I'll try to keep things simple.