If you are an engineer but didn't see the above vid yesterday, I strongly recommend it, the whole thing. We're clearly in the inflection point of this tech right now, and if you aren't experimenting with integrating some variant of it in some way into your work workflow, I think it is time. I just started using it for some scripting jobs I had been putting off this week and it honestly really helped out. There's problems aplenty in the whole space, but I'm pretty AI-pilled right now.

I had a good week. There's a mix of bug fixes and improvements to quality of life, mostly in the tag autocomplete interface.

Full changelog:


So autocomplete has a couple new things. First off, there's a new 'all files ever imported/deleted' entry under the file domain button. This searches everything your client has ever seen, runs super fast, and works with 'all known tags'. Also, when editing tags, I've tightened up the selection rules and reduced the sibling spam--now, you should get the 'ideal' of what you typed at the top, then what you actually typed (if that differs), and then normal results. Also, the various paste buttons tucked into edit autocompletes now only ever add items--if any of what you paste is already in the accompanying list, it won't be removed now.

And I changed the '(displays as xxx)' sibling indicator. It is now a simple unicode arrow, and because I wanted to play with gradients, I made it fade its colour from one namespace to another. If you don't like the text or the fade, you can change them under options->tag presentation.

There's a new Deviant Art downloader, thanks to a user's work, that pulls the 'original' quality from the 'download' button, which some creators turn on for logged-in users. There's also five new File URL URL Classes, which you can search with system:known url, that will categorise your existing DA downloads according to their quality. Enterprising advanced users might like to play around with this!

next week

Next week is slated for code cleanup. I want to do some boring database breakup work!