I had a good week. I cleaned some code and fixed a bunch of small issues in tag parsing, tag display, file import options, file delete reasons, and file viewing statistics.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

I would like to have some support. I plan to have an 'executable manager', which will let us define certain exe paths and arguments that we can send certain URLs to, e.g. 'this is a twitter video, send it to yt-dlp'.

Having nice note support in that would be a potentially significant extension, though--it would probably start off just as single files, no extra sidecars.

I do have a fairly clever manual sidecar system now, which should be able to deal with simple JSON files, but it doesn't support notes yet (just tags and URLs). You might like to have a play with it nonetheless, in prep for when I add notes, which I would like to do fairly soon. Try importing your video from your hard drive and play around with the 'sidecar' tab after hitting 'add tags/urls with the import'. If you can rename the json files to be very similar to the video file, that would help.

Help page here: https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/advanced_sidecars.html