
I had an ok week. There's full PSD support and a variety of quality of life improvements.

Full changelog:

PSD files

Just like last week, if you run from source, you might like to rebuild your venv again this week, and you'll get the PSD support. Just run 'setup_venv' again.

Thanks to a user, PSD files should now show in the program just like any other image! Since it takes a little extra CPU to render them, we're starting with conservative view settings--PSD files will show in full in the normal media viewer, but you'll get the cheaper 'open externally' button in the preview panel. If you want to try showing them everywhere, you can change the view settings under options->media.

PSD thumbs are also much nicer now, and your existing PSD thumbnails should regenerate very soon in the background.

As always, if you run across a PSD that has crazy colours or bad transparency--or if it straight up won't load at all, which we think some will--please send them in and I'll see what I can do.

other highlights

I'm splitting 'gif' files into 'static gif' (under images) and 'animated gif' (under animations) this week. It isn't a huge thing, and there aren't all that many static (i.e. non-animated) gifs going around anyway, but it simplifies some view settings as well as some code, and it aligns with how the other formats like png/apng work.

Rating system predicates are now parseable. Type 'system:has rating (service_name)' or 'system:rating for (service name) > 4/5' into the tag autocomplete, and it should prefill the result. It should work for all like/disklike, numerical, and inc/dec rating services, and like the other parseable system predicates, this extends to the Client API. Try it out!

I fixed the duplicate filter's right-hand hover window back in place. It was a mistake to have it 'avoid' the notes hover, since the buttons bounced around too much for easy clicking, so now they can just overlap, with the duplicates hover taking precedence.

next week

I'm due some larger work, and I think I'm going to tackle some file storage improvements. The migrate database dialog sucks, and the file storage system in general groans when it has millions of files, so I'd like to have the first steps towards user friendly storage settings and cleverer storage overall. We'll see!