I had a good week. There's a variety of work: some bug fixes, optimisations, quality of life, a new tool for the parsing system, parent and sibling fetching on the Client API, and support for more new filetypes.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

Sorry for the trouble. Yeah, we have been through a couple of Qt bumps this past year. I just pushed us up to 6.5.2 a couple weeks ago and that caused its own headaches on certain Wayland-using Linux machines. Your problem, yeah, seems to be that Qt6 just won't load. No worries.

In general, I now recommend that all Linux users who are on anything even slightly unusual now run from source. This lets you customise which version of these important libraries you are running. This Qt business kickstarted me into making this process simple, and I can now happily point you here: https://hydrusnetwork.github.io/hydrus/running_from_source.html

There's a simple setup script to run now that'll take you through all the steps. You obviously want to select the 'Qt(5)' option in the setup.

Let me know if you have any more trouble.