
I had a good week. There are improvements to PDFs and system predicate parsing.

Full changelog:


Thanks to a user, PDFs now have thumbnails! I'm happy and surprised with how this turned out. The module it uses also offers raw text access, so I have rejuvenated a I-think-good-enough 'num words' count for PDFs. Also, PDFs can have a little embedded metadata like Author and Title, and this is viewable on the special button at the top of the media viewer. On update, all your existing PDFs will be scheduled for some file maintenance work to figure all this out, so give it a little while to catch everything up. As always, please send in any PDFs that get weird results. I expect we'll do a little more here, particularly pulling the embedded data into hydrus proper as tags etc...

System predicate parsing (e.g. by typing 'system:inbox' into the tag autocomplete) has several improvements. All comma-grouped numbers are now parseable, so you can paste 'system:width = 1,920' and it'll work. 'system:tag as number' has some special fixes, and several tags have presentation updates within the client to make sure that the text they are producing for a label is actually something that parses back to them.

Tag export sidecars now have a 'tag display type' selector to choose between 'storage' and 'display' tags. Until now, all the sidecars were all 'storage', meaning they did not include parent or sibling tags (like the list you edit in manage tags), whereas 'display' includes sibling replacements and implied parents (like the normal file search view shows). Existing tag export sidecars will stay on 'storage', but new ones will default to 'display'.

next week

I did some more file storage updates this week, but it remained pretty boring behind the scenes stuff. I'm going to keep bashing away, and I'd love to have a bit of other fun too, maybe custom searches for Mr Bones and the file history chart, which I have been meaning to do for ages.