I had a good week. I ended up working on technical improvements, fixing some issues with deleted file tracking and exposing multiple maintenance timings for customisation. There is also a variety of optimisation that should slightly de-lag very heavy clients.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

I am sorry, I cannot remember this well. Can you say more what is not working right here? It looks like you have a couple of files set as duplicates, and they are showing up in the search result. Have you never set these as duplicates, and they seem to have spontaneously duped together?

Or do you use the duplicate filter, and have seen files like this, but always set 'and delete the other', and so it is odd that this has happened and they remain in your 'my files'? Is that why there is only one pair when you do this (normally expansive) search?

If it is strange that these files are not showing up in the duplicate filter--that is intentional. The duplicate filter only shows potential duplicate pairs. Once those potentials are processed in the filter, they become like this pair--set as duplicates.

As a side thing, I am planning out a thumbnail expansion to give all thumbnails quick knowledge to all of their current file relationships, which should make some of these menus a bit cleaner and more naturally human (e.g. saying 'these two are duplicates' explicitly, rather than having to infer it from everything else going on). Unfortunately, I have to fetch this data on a per-file basis from the database on every right-click, so I can't do all the calculations I'd like.