
I had a great week mostly working on UI quality of life.

Full changelog:


There are several places where you can enter regex (clever text search rules) in the program. I have written a nicer text input widget and spammed it everywhere. It has several improvements: it colours green/red depending on whether the current text will compile; its menu button collects better tutorial links; and the one in the String Converter regex replace now shows how to do (unnamed) or  group replace.

Many multi-column lists across the program have new scroll-to tech. If you import a new parser now, or edit one and change its name, then the list will scroll to the new item once done. Selection preservation through various updates is also improved. The 'manage URL Classes' dialog test input will also select and scroll to the matching URL Class. There's plenty more to do, but I've ironed out a bunch of ugly behaviour.

I've improved some 'hey I think we already saw this URL before' logic, fixing an awkward false positive result. If you have had incorrect 'already in db' on slightly different versions of a file on a booru, and you traced it to a bad source url, they should work in future.

Import Folders now work much more efficiently. Due to some stupid old code, they were wasting a bunch of CPU, particularly when the import folder was very large. If you have big import folders that are normally laggy to load, let me know how your background latency feels this week--it might be that I fixed some weird jitter/hangs here.

I folded in the library updates from the 'future build' test we ran a few weeks ago. There were no problems with the test, so Linux and Windows users get a slightly newer version of Qt, and Windows users get new sqlite and mpv. Let me know if you have any boot problems!

I also fixed a weird recent problem with the 'requirements.txt' that users who run from source rely on to set up their environment. There's a new version of numpy out that breaks some things, so if you tried to set up a new venv in the past few days and could not boot, please try again with this.

next week

Some more slightly-larger-than-small jobs. I have some weird sibling problems to fix, PTR janitor workflow to figure out, and awful sidecar UI to work on. I'd also like to get back to the duplicate auto-resolution system, but I think I'll be out of time.