I had a good week working on a mix of stuff. There's a new maintenance job that recalculates the presentation and counts of individual tags, some UI fixes and a couple clever shortcuts for QSS refresh and ICC Profile switching, and some fixes to unusual file import problems.

The release should be as normal tomorrow.

Not yet, but I want to figure out a sort of 'internal' metadata migration that uses the sidecar system's tools to do this. You'll be able to set a metadata source and a metadata destination and it'll pipe from one to another, kind of like if you exported files with sidecars and then reimported them.

You would, fingers crossed, be able to say 'suck up my filename: tags from here and then do these conversions to them and then spit them out back here at this service'.

I don't know when I will be able to get this done, but I'm keen on working on sidecar UI improvements in the near future, and this tech will fix a lot of pain in the ass problems like 'I want to parse my URLs into tags' and so on, so it is on my mind.