thumbnail of D6EMB67X4AknJF5.jpg:large.jpeg
thumbnail of D6EMB67X4AknJF5.jpg:large.jpeg
D6EMB67X4AknJF5.jpg:l... jpeg
(219.78 KB, 1314x1333)
Due an issue on my HDD, I've lost some files from my data folder. Specifically, 6 full folders, to the tune of 3600 files. I have a recovery program running, so I might be able to find them. But if not, I have the thumbnail folders still available, so I could reverse search to replace the files manually. If I did this,  ended up with a slightly smaller version of the file, put this file into the correct folder with the correct name... What would happen? Would it break my database? Would it still be tagged with the previously saved tags?

tl;dr: If I replaced an image with another of the exact same name, but it didn't have the exact same properties, what would happen? Would the file still have the same tags? Or would it just bork everything?