Great, I am glad you are basically working again. If you used a 'fresh' client.mappings.db, you will run into trouble sooner or later when you add new tags or process the PTR. The tags you see are probably being nicely loaded from the fast caches on client.caches.db, but the actual tags (and the storage areas where they should be) are missing from the real-deal client.mappings.db. This may need you to hit services->review services and completely reset your PTR's processing, to reformat client.mappings.db and fill it up again properly.

Also, if you have local 'my tags', they may now only exist in the semi-ephemeral client.caches.db. Make sure you have a good backup of this current 'working' db before you do anything crazy, as they may be wiped by a big 'reset/recalc' action.

The 145k tags is for the 'pending (145,000)' menu, right? This again is because it thinks there are pending tags, but the actual ones have disappeared, so it is out of sync with the db. We can reset it, but this may cause an error. Hit help->debug->data actions->clear db service info cache and then restart the client, which will force it to re-count that number from raw db tables. I expect the true number is 0, so the pending menu will disappear on restart.

Let me know how you get on. If you have a lot of local 'my tags', make sure you have a backup of client.caches.db at least--we may be able to do some SQLite magic to re-populate the missing tables in the bare client.mappings.db.