Thank you for this report. After a bit of searching, it seems like your Ubuntu is having trouble finding some Qt-related library. I think this stack answer is the correct next step to find more information:


So open a terminal and do "export QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS=1" and then try to open the new client again. Hopefully it will talk more about exactly which library or .so it is having trouble with here. Looks like an apt-get reinstall of that is a common and safe solution.

As a side thing, in a recent version of the client, I changed some PATH stuff to make it easier for hydrus to pull the correct .so files from its base directory. The errors that lead me to do that were different to what you are getting, but if this problem happens to be related to that, does a very new version of the client boot? You can just try an empty extract of 390 on your desktop. If that works, then I recommend you just jump up to a new version and skip the ~382 ones that are giving you trouble.

Let me know what you find!