Hey, I am sorry, catching up after a long delay.

Not yet. Some network job controls let you override error delay from the little cog icon, but there's a domain-level block I have hardcoded atm. Ultimately, I will expose that system in some new UI to govern current domain status across the program and let you reset it.

I would like to maintain a bunker for those who are uncomfortable. I hope we can keep talking here.

I have improved some of the UI labels on this dialog. I hope it is more obvious now. basically you put the 'bad' tag(s) on the left, and the 'good' tag on the right.

The list at the top is what is currently stored in your database. When as you enter tags in the bottom, either side, the UI shows what those are already involved in, so you can see if you are overwriting or joining existing relationships.

One of these days I will carve out a few months to write the whole thing and have drag and drop networks of arrows.