Well 4chan is just 2chan ripoff essentially.
> is run by a glowie and is very censored to fit his narrative
What's his narrative?
When was Indiachan started? Is it an old chan?
> what are some good boards here fren?
It depends what you are looking for. One can have conversations (albeit different in style and attention) on ausneets or yuri or rapport. Endchan has several boards made by simps, like bbg, agatha2, and ttg. /ashIeyj/ is also kinda like that, but it is more creative stuff, making videos, edits, graphics. /baaa2/ is similarly for creative stuff I think, but in a different style, best to lurk at first to see what's up. Politics is on pol, news, and qrbunker, but they all have their own curiosities, can be banned if not careful. You can get serious discussions on kc, and cooking on ck. There is always /b/ for everything, anything. Quite a few foreign language boards, the largest are in Russian, I dunno if you can speak it.
I suggest looking into overboard.
There are a couple of underutilized IT related boards, like /tech/ and /os/. Would be nice to put some life at least into the former, little hope for that. Anyway, interesting branches of this topic are /hydrus/ and /cumg/.