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> But if I feel liek a burden to you then I can go.
> Again if you feel like this is holding you back then you should do what's right for you.
No, it doesn't. This is about you.
I'm okay with coming here and watching and replying to things you post and the youtube shorts you watch and the long documentaries that you share hoping something comes out of it but doesn't because I don't really watch them and conversations that don't really go anywhere more than two or five replies at most.
> No need to pity me. 
Uh, not pitying you. Just telling you to get your priorities straight. This won't go anywhere and you're always going to feel that distance you can never make it from me, and same in case of me because you don't really talk that much. There's no emotional connection, which involves sharing deepest emotions and expressing your feelings in the open while hurting each other and all that melodrama shit you see in anime.

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