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No, that doesn't bother me.
> If you are then i will stop but if you just don't care then I will keep posting it like other meaningless stuff I say and post.
Okay, you're asking for it now.

Yes, what goes in my mind when you post gore and say random shit is this: "Oh boy, there's absolutely nothing similar or some sense of shared interest between us both and I'm just here talking to him because I'm too bothered and scared of being alone I'd rather stay with someone who I have absolutely nothing similar or working towards something together and nothing good is going to come out of this and that I really should be doing something but instead I'm wasting my time in here and I'm so alone and I have nobody I could properly connect with because of how weird and confused I am about everything and I don't even know what to do or how to look for such people who are similar to me and all I could do is like what I get if I don't get what I like and... ", anyway you send me on an existential spiral but that's pretty much my normal so don't bother too much about it. Only thing that you can do something about is ask yourself whether this is what you want, a ChatGPT experience where you're just talking to yourself for the most part.