I noticed how you didn't respond to the first part of my post or the part about people being killed in their homes by police.
> And then letting them off an apologising in very shot order? But you conveniently ignore that.
First off I wasn't talking about just one case.
There are plenty more where that can from. This is a tactic done by authoritarian regimes to control information and squash dissidence.
Second off they shouldn't have been arrested in the first place when they were doing nothing wrong. Finally, do you think they would have been let go so easily if there wasn't backlash.
> In areas of active riots? Forgot that too did you? They are not mind readers, they can't read minds to know who is or is not a rioter, but you must think that all police officers must be superheroes and that any failing on one is a failing on them all.
No I didn't forget. That woman was calmly of her property and  there wasn't a riot going on on that street, yet they fired on her. It's not magic to see that someone just chilling on a porch on a quiet street isn't a rioter. If you think that it's acceptable to be assaulted on your own property by the authorities them fuck off this is America the home of the free. I did make one mistake though, they fired paint rounds and not rubber bullets.
> Arresting people that commit crimes is not oppression...
No but arresting someone when they aren't doing or had done something illegal is. There's also the matter of assaulting and killing citizens when they pose no danger.

Kill yourself shill this country was founded by people who fought against authority to gain their rights if you want some boots to lick move to China.