> There's a Today Thread I see on ernst. There's also Crawl Threads and FTDDTOT for people to just leave out some random thought and just carry on I see on other places. Maybe the BO can do something like that here but honestly I'm too paranoid to leave traces of my personal life in here.
I think everyone here is too paranoid to leave any traces of their personal life here. It's something I try to avoid. It makes sense though anonymity gives you the ability to express your thoughts without fearing censorship in most cases. It's one of the biggest selling points of imageboards in general, But considering how much of people are complete attention whores. Privacy is the least of their worries. 

> I too don't have the energy nor priority to spend time on imageboards. 
I have like 8 different things to do at the same time. Again I'm really scatterbrained and this is a problem that I struggle with because I want to do so much while I also want to live a healthy lifestyle to the point where half of my time is spent listening to music while reading or pondering what I should do next. 

There's something about the media. It's just 4chan they seem to target, and maybe 8chan when Christchurch happened. Ever since then 8kun too some flak initially but they just completely gave up on 8kun and they don't even bother with the webring. 
Attacking 4chan actually sends ripple effects to other imageboards because unfortunately there are 4chan crossposters. These people maybe a minority but they're still there. Not to mention these people spread their toxic behavior onto other alts and this is why it becomes so much more damaging to other imageboards. Christchurch in and of itself was a disaster for imageboards and I can guarantee that was a malicious attack on imageboard culture. Tarrant was probably some double agent and  the people over on /pol/ didn't realize for the simple reason that their hatred overpowered their common sense. Which don't get me wrong their hatred is justified but christchurch felt like a controlled event.