We are united just as easily as we are divided. With so much diversity in opinion, you will eventually bring about one to the surface that enacts the herd mentality of agreeability. And, with such entitlement as living in a "first"-world country, what's not to like or agree on?

You see, we are lab rats living in a maze of social experiments and orderly chaos. Citizens here understand the surface so well, yet are entrained at a young age to not dive in deep. Why? Because there's no need. Enjoy a simple life and pay no mind to the puppet masters. Say, see that distraction over there? With media consumption at an all-time high, everyone has been wired to accept the lifestyle thrown at them and not naturally chosen by the important side of being - the self.

Americans loathe themselves because we are the epitome of decadence, with so much access to whatever comes to mind. Instant gratification is but a drive or click away, worry not about the time spent on working hard to achieve your dreams, and instead, wonder why you have days upon days of nothing to do because you have done it all already. Sound familiar? In Ecclesiastes, we will find that the preacher's son eventually claims that "all is vanity", for once you have everything in the world made readily available, what else is there to life? Welcome to the modern age.