So you have a soft spot for Italians huh.

> We are united just as easily as we are divided. With so much diversity in opinion, you will eventually bring about one to the surface that enacts the herd mentality of agreeability. And, with such entitlement as living in a "first"-world country, what's not to like or agree on?
This is a big problem honestly. Everyone follows their own selfish desires. It's something that becomes apparent the more you recognize that the thing that normalfags strive for the most is to be unique and different. Yet they berate us for being different. It's kinda ironic in a way. Since normalfags seem to think they are on the right side of history but in reality they are nothing more than mere footnotes. Everyone would rather live obliviously rather than face the cold hard truth of reality. Imageboard users escape too however in these parts of the internet you get hardened and while things like anime still does amuse us somewhat, we rather instead of indulging in it use it as an ideal. The reason such a thing as a "waifu" exists isn't because it's degenerate. Though it can become degenerate if you become over obsessive. It's merely what we as men want our women to have in terms of qualities we strive for. You used an especially good word to describe it.
> Decadence
The fact that waifu's are a thing we have isn't because we are deviant it's because we want things to be better than the current state of things. Everything is shit, and modern pop culture is the epitome of the current worlds state. Everyone unwilling to change simply because they are too unwilling or are addicted to things like porn. I watch anime. However I also exercise, Eat healthily, Go out for walks, Work, Read and similar things. Anime is simply a hobby for me. Yet for others it's a way of life. That to me is horrifying. Anime is great, But holding it up as the absolute pinnacle of life is seemingly trying to use anime to replace something that is sorely lacking.