> I agree, simplicity and a lack of distractions and obligations is what I would like. Sometimes I have delusions of making millions on the share market but then I think 'would I really even want that?', sure having mansion and maids do everything for you sounds nice but it adds far more complications as well. Not that it's going to happen anyway I suppose.
I believe having a ton of money would be a good thing however it depends on the individual. Power does indeed corrupt however not everyone is the same. It will corrupt a lot of people but some will be able to resist said temptation. Having maids do every other task is also a good thing because it will allow you to focus on other more important issues that you would have to deal with otherwise. Like I said it depends on the individual. However one of the problems with wealth is that it will make you disconnected with the world at large as you can easily ignore it with enough money. It's a double edged sword in that regard.