i'll start 

> be native european "thracians" (so called by the greeks)
> many peoples come and go from your land (greeks, celts, romans)
> be indo-eurpopean slavs
> around the 6th century arive on the balkans, likely due to babybooms 
> slavs ally foreigners and raid the east roman empire, with little success, some still taken as slaves by the "civilized" west  

> be turko-possibly iranian bulgars 
> around the 7th centruty arive on the balkans, due to your "great old"(so called by the greeks) bulgaria being destoryed by the khazars (>tfw no milkers) 
> bulgars bring organization, military and overall a better idea of a "nation" than the slavs had, ally the slavs and raid the east roman empire, with big success 
> eventually start losing wars (since greeks could free up men from their eastern/western fronts at times), accept to convert to orthodoxy (tho the monarchy likely already was christian)
> slav language on the rise, greek missionaries play a huge role in creating a slavic alphabet (tho most of the work is done by bulgarian intelectuals too) to translate the bible into 

> keep warring with the greeks, tri moreta, sometimes cooperate with them "saving europe" from arabs 
> anatolian turks arive (mostly invited by greeks), bulgarian leadership is not united at the time, get conquered 
> 500 years under the caliphate, some forced conversions, massacres and higher taxes  
> ottomans start growing weak, russo-turkish war, with the blessing of the westerners 
> bulgaria is liberated in 2 states, principality of bulgaria and east rumelia, while macedonia remains turkish 

> we go against all the great poswers and reunite with east rumelia, serbia backstabs us in serbo-bulgarian war 
> 1st balkan war, do most of the fighting while greek fleet keeps the turks at bey and the serbs are genociding and stealing land
> instead of macedonia, we try and fail at taking constantinopole, russia says they will invade us if we took it anyway  
> 2nd balkan war, since the westerners created an independant albania, serbia was unhappy and wanted macedonia. we're unhappy with that, reject russian arbitration, welcome to jackass, later we join ww1 and ww2 for basicaly the same reasons
> communism brings some industrialization but also less freedom, the fall/transition hits everyone hard. join EU and NATO. population decline and mostly split between pro and anti russia, gypsy numbers on the rise, good food, tourism and tech industries somewhat on the rise