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nice thread
> bongs hate me
> go to weird place across the ocean to escape bongs
> frens from all over britain and europe come to escape what they dislike
> weird red people on land who hate us
> accidentally kill most of them purposefully, kill most of the rest
> disunified from all the different types of people
> import africans to farm as slaves
> fight war with brits against some french (they call it the 7 years war)
> they need money
> start giving unfair taxes
> getting a bit out of hand
> gather myself together and tell them to fuck off
> fight my hardest and eventually they leave
> have a couple of spats with them afterward
> buy some land from france
> begin settling it
> steal some land from mexico
> begin settling it
> decide that that having laves is retarded
> southerners disagree
> whoop them in a long war
> reconstruct the nation in a more unified way
> big economy
> europe goes to war, interfere at the end because germany wanted us invaded
> interfere with latins a lot to establish hegemony
> great depression (sad)
> japs and germans at it 
> drop big bomb on japan and raise hell in germany
> now the russkis hate us
> fight wars of dominance for a while
> blacks and women get rights
> russkis fail 
> fight series of wars in middle east because they're bastards and flew a plane at a building and have oil
 ffw to no
> tensions are high as country restructures 
> china pines for our power