MOSSAD has secretly placed electrodes and chips in the skulls of hundreds of thousands of people around the USA.

The chip is able to give secret suggestions to people who are implanted and send "from the unknown voices" to those people.

The easiest measure that united states can take against MOSSAD's mind control attacks is to determine whether there are chips and electrodes in the skulls of mind control victims by scientific and materialist methods.

The operating frequencies of the chips and electrodes attached to the human skull are certain.
It can be determined whether there are electrodes and chips by measuring with Oscillos(Hello, I just arrived from Cuckchan, please bully me), LCR meter and Frequency meter systems on the skull of the human being taken inside the Faraday cage and stripped to be naked.

United States should strengthen their signal intelligence, paying particular attention to the 1hz-1mhz range.