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I'd say they're trying to do both. The facade is to impress customers and other potential customers, but secretly trying to gain investors. Especially if the immediate crowd response is favorable. Because really investors don't give a shit if the new mascot character has a new game, only what money it will bring.

There was a case here were cards were getting compromised because there's a way to get credit card info from the magnet strip by putting something into the slots of credit card readers in older gas pumps, so that's what I was thinking. 
Yet there's many ways someone can get your info. But if you hear it's happening locally, you'll know why at least.
> keyloggers and PC viruses
How many of those Chinese games that you play have your bank card info?

Seems strange, but assuming they did the process right there at the checkout, it's unlikely that was the cause. I doubt the Walmart employee cares enough, and it's hard enough for the average person to remember all those numbers.