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I don't remember saying you were wrong!
Also, I guess it's not just here, there was some whole group of these mech pilots, of which she's just one.
The Zero Suit is fucking hot though, damn.

> Especially if the immediate crowd response is favorable.
Except that E3 stopped being open to actual public, and became industry invite only.  So what crowd response?  If you say the one on social media, I'll slap you.

> how many of those Chinese games have your bank card info
MiHoYo, and that's about it.  But they've had it for four years now, if it took them this long to be a bad actor...

Well it was just strange that the card reader absolutely refused to work at all, no matter what I did, till the associate came over and did, seemingly the exact same thing I did, and it went through.
idk man.  Either way I'm pissed.