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I was thinking about Berserk but wasn't sure how common such a thing was. I never read Golgo 13, I just know it's one of the longest running mangas.

No. What pisses me off is there is nothing I can do about it. Wind blows, rain falls, and the strong prey upon the weak.

I don't know, can't even say it depends on the company. These days it's all in the realm of possibility. In the end you just have to hope the bank you're with, whether it's an actual bank account or credit account, is going to be on your side. And that you have something aside just in case.
Though I don't doubt the "priority customers" bit either. Someone's head is gonna roll if Bill Gates' or Jeff Bozos' account gets hacked and drained.

Eh I suppose it would be expensive. Suppose this is why every company just does their best to sweep all this shit under the rug and why it always keeps happening.
Won't be surprising when we really do need some rice planted into our hands to make our payments because it's for security reasons.