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I'm going to do this to Weeb!

It's not.

Maybe I've never even left my house!
But then how do I get people to respect my logos?! Besides, California is more than Los Angeles, San Fransisco, Sacramento. I've heard of good scenery and smaller towns once you get into more of the country side, especially up north.
Damn, you're really just going to go and disrespect your ancestors like this? You even know about more advanced hunting tools they could only dream of, and you don't even hunt? Shame on you. Well, I'm sure you make up for it in other ways.
I'm not sure about Korea or Taiwan, but China and Japan have some nice areas that would be nice to travel. I'm sure you'll see your far share of ugly women too though.
I would like to go to Akiba, but I'm sure it's not as good as it was in the past.