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They CAN'T be in the ancap sense, no.
I mean in the actual, general sense of competition and industry.
Much like how we discussed yesterday, modern Americans are only interested in actually Jewing their fellow Americans out of their money through absurdisms in social politics, not in actually making genuine products.  Americans have lost all interest in actual industry, from small consumer goods, to housing, and even produce and food.  And there's more interest in Americans to just lawyer up and sue your potential competitors into the ground, or stimy them through regulatory bureaucracy.  Or preform legal capture of smaller entities because they might cut profit margins on your tangent enterprise by mere single digit percents.
That last one was true of the company I worked for last, and that corporate capture was part of the reason the place was so fucking shit, and run by literal incompetent jackasses that genuinely didn't even know the jobs they were overseeing.

That's highly likely.
Though the one I giggle at the most is the Tom & Jerry gacha.
They did!  And, the more I play it, the more it's really kind of fun.
I am also LMAOing at the Twitch streamers and youtube fags that can't play it worth a damn.  They get absolutely spanked by a lot of the combat.  Which again, is so copy pasted, in a good way, from Honkai that I really, really enjoy it.