thumbnail of GOflKT3bkAAqB8B.jpg
thumbnail of GOflKT3bkAAqB8B.jpg
GOflKT3bkAAqB8B jpg
(2.97 MB, 3100x2237)
Literally just Tinder and Bumble.  These were foreigners in Japan, so their go to was just the usual degenerate apps.  I'm sure there's a Japanese/SEA based one, or multiple, but I don't want to weed through the 日本語 conversations, and I don't know what magical combo of kana/kanji I'd be looking for anyway.
Uh-huh.  You're like a gacha jpg collector irl, you've had your eyes on one girl like 15 times already, so I don't wanna hear it, Mr. "Oneitis".
There are, I've literally walked past a few, but I'm also a coward, so...