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You managed to play BG3 for hours!
Considering that, I'm very confident that you'll like Pathfinder, both Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous.

Something like that... People did the same thing with Witcher 3. Although I think that game was good too. It has woke moments, sure, but the game was at least still enjoyable, with better written characters and side-quests that were immersive.
>  I can kinda understand where they're coming from, as the vast majority of those are lacking in both quality AND quantity of content, so clearly BG3 only lacking in the quality makes it good
Probably exactly what happened.

Kind of. Then again, I bought the game today, so the money I sent, didn't yet leave Valve's hand. Since I requested the money to be refunded to my Steam wallet, the money would technically never leave Valve's hand.
So I was hoping that would make the decision favorable for me
Plus this was the first refund request I ever made, so it's not exactly like I've got a horrible track-record in regards to that