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Aggregation does mean that your vote means something. Means you throw your coin in with one team. If many do so, it has a meaning.
Same reason you aren't allowed to throw rocks into a bottom-less pit. Because if everybody did so, it would soon no longer be bottom-less!
> In 2024 40% of the world will vote, that's a bad thing for democracy.
That meager amount is just pathetic. At that point, you might just get rid of it, since nobody cares about it in the first place~

Funny observation...
Here, the ones who cares about muh economy, are those who tends to vote right. And they're also often boomer.
The ones who don't care much about the economy, tends to be all in on muh climate!, and they tend to be so far left, that even Marx looks over his right shoulder to see them. And they're often young people. People who hasn't yet left school and knows nothing about the world.

> They only actually like democracy when its their guys who are winning
I'm kind of the same. I don't remind people to go vote anymore, if I know that person would not vote the way I want them to.
^pretty much me. Remove Copenhagen from the equation, and democracy would be far better