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Actually- Chain, how long as it been since I switched using my cooking oil on your lil' suggestion and autism about seed oils?
As well as a myriad other changes to diet eliminating it where it was used.

I haven't noticed a single change.
In anything.
Personal anecdote, sure, but I still feel lied to.

It's like when the vegan faggots screech to you about protein sources, and how you don't need meat or something, and pull up bullshit like the China Study to claim you'll be healthier- only to find out that the majority of people who's health improves by ""going vegan"" improve simply because they stop eating highly processed fast food for three meals a day.

Go fucking figure you start feeling better after cutting Taco Hell and Twinkies from your diet, and not eating like a trucker at every Flying J you pass.  Who'd a fuckin' thunk it?