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The micro PDW kits were exceptionally neat, and novel when they first came out, literally as an answer to Euro police, and glowie needs.
Our resident Dane here knows his police force better, but basically unlike 'murican cops, Euro police don't tool around with patrol rifles in their vehicle, and so a PDW actually made sense to bridge the gap between having a semi useless handgun, and a rifle they're not allowed to lug around for the public to see.
Think about like how U.K. bobbies have to literally call in a special unit that has a patrol rifle in their car, and when those mf-ers show up they step out with like actual full auto G36c and L86s.
But even THEY have basically abandoned the idea.

This weird concept of the PDW keeps trying, and trying, and trying to rear it's ugly head in more, and more awkward, hamfisted ways every decade or so.
Like think about it, what's REALLY the difference between this, and packing a micro UZI, or the entire MAC10 concept for SS back in the 70's and 80's?  It's literally just updated versions of those, but this time your super secret sauce pistol (literally just a glock clone by another name) can be modularly swapped out back to being a pistol, and thus defeating the entire point of the PDW again, because why not just have a dedicated handgun, and a dedicated short carbine that out performs every PDW in existence?
You don't gain functionality by extending the barrel on your new shitty PDW, because doing so at a certain point you may as well just be carrying a rifle again.
You don't gain functionality by having the optics bridge, because now you have to strip whatever optic you had on the pistol's slide, effectively removing the modularity to go back to being a more concealable handgun; to wit again you may as well have the handgun, and rifle separate, and just have a dedicated short carbine, that is infinitely superior in every way.
Eventually your ""micro PDW"" stops being concealable, or is so clunky that it's concealability actually erodes its functionality to deploy the stock, or retain the angled grip and spare mag faggoty.
Like at some point the returns are so diminishing that someone has to start to recognize why all the machine pistol PDWs of old went the way of the dodo like they did.  Like, how many police forces and special snowflake units do you see running around with TMPs still?  And even if you were to justify having a PDW as some kind of backup/secondary "true sidearm" why not have one dedicated to that purpose like the PDWs of old, like the MP7 or something along those lines, rather than a pistol in an awkward chassis, trying to mimic the same thing?
Anyone that you know that's still on the fence about it, just remind them that the micro ronin glawk kits were a thing way before, and if they never considered being THAT kind of faggot, why would they consider it now other than just being a sigger dick sucker?

So I guess long story short, I agree, it's all LARPers that think it'll make a good truck gun, or something equally stupid.  Or try and stuff it in a backpack, or...  again, even for THOSE niche purposes, there's so many infinitely better options.
But everyone wants to "update" and "rethink" the handgun concept, to modernize it into the modern era, as if all that really doesn't need updating is the merging of what already exists with more modern optics.
I tire of people trying to re-imagine the wheel, and in so doing reinventing the entire buggy to go with it.