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The mainstream media here is having a meltdown but the average Jap reaction mostly seems to range from surprised but indifferent to happy. 
It still amazes me how absolutely retarded the analysis of Trump's geopolitical policies was and is. "Its bad because he hurts our friends feefees..." SHUT UP, its for the best if Europe can stand on its own two feet rather than sucking on America's teet, the warped mixture of a parasite and an old man who can't even shit anymore without needing his son to wipe his ass. 
"B-but he's nice to meanies..." Yes, we should be cordial with our potential enemies as long as they are not directly threatening us so we don't get to the brink of WWIII like the old retard has gotten us. 
I want to at least see the cabinet before I get too optimistic about his actual Presidency this time around, but even worst case scenario he'll still be the best President in my lifetime just like he was the first time. The only sad part is that is a very low bar. 
Not interested in listening to old news.