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Merry Christmash

Back to the Dark, and the better top-fermented ales.
Today, we'll be having a dark brown ale, a scotch ale, from the craftsbrewer John Martin. Today, we'll taste the Gordon Xmas.

It pours a nice lovely dark brown colour, leaving a very nice and white head.

The beer pours a light amber color, leaving no head. It smells slightly of caramel.
The beer's smell is nothing to write home about. It has a smell of bread and very faint smell of chocolate, similar to a kitchen a few hours after baking sweet Christmas cookies.

If you expected the beer to not taste like much due to how it smells, you'll be in for a surprise.
The ale tastes quite powerful of burnt Christmas cookies with notes of sweet fruit, leaving a spirity bitter aftertaste at the back of your throat that almost makes you wanna cough or I might just have Corona, who knows

An ale that definitely can be thoroughly enjoyed by drinking it slowly, as the taste of it lasts a very long time. Given an 8.8% VOL, that might also be a good idea regardless.

Tomorrow, there will be no beer review, due to being too busy.
Instead, look forward to Saturday where there will be two!
Or don't, you'll get two anyway you wine-slurping faggot who properly doesn't even swallow!

Merry Christmas