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> Literally noone cares what it is told on Endchan

Apparently the attacker does. :^)
Who I want to see hanged as I have to do much more verifications than on the normal site!

Just a second ago for us.
Good. Then again last time I dwelled I ate shit.
I'll find out when I play you!

It's like living normally, except you don't let your inner thoughts out among the common folk. Shouldn't you already know this?

I just don't want to do both.
Sounds lame.
I know, but newer models just come with new stuff where you have to go to the dealership to fix. They have nice features don't get me wrong, but you got to have a steady job and be more or less debt free half the time. Sure the keyless start is cool and all, but when it breaks you can't even get a shade tree shop to fix it for you. Gotta hand over a few thousand just to turn your car on.
Though not really a problem if you can buy brand new because the warranties are pretty good for a few years. Though you're financing it too most likely.